We are proud to announce that in March 2021 Cogniteq was ranked by Goodfirms as one of the top ten custom software development companies in Lithuania. We’re honored to be noted by such a trusted platform.
Goodfirms serves as a bridge between those seeking a reliable software company or product and companies that offer appropriate software services. It helps clients find the best fit for their projects, while software developers can use the platform to boost their brand recognition and expand market share.
Goodfirms is known for its strong research department and reliable rankings based on numerous parameters. The title of Top Custom Software Development Company means that we have shown excellent performance. All of this is possible thanks to our incredible team of seasoned developers who really love what they do and do their work amazingly well.
We want to express our deep gratitude to our customers, who chose us among many options for working on their project. Thank you for your trust! For us, this achievement is not a reason to relax. Vice versa, in fact: now we feel that we have to work even harder to prove we really deserve it.