Developing IoT Applications with LoRaWAN: A Complete Guide

Developing IoT Applications with LoRaWAN

A tech stack is one of the factors that greatly influences the performance and efficiency of digital solutions. When it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT), it is essential to carefully consider both the technologies and tools used for building the software, as well as the devices included in the network. Equally important is focusing on the methods of connecting and establishing communication between all the elements of the IoT system. In this article, we will discuss LoRaWAN, a widely adopted technology for this purpose, and explain the benefits and unique characteristics of LoRaWAN-based IoT solutions.

What is LoRaWAN in IoT?

LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) can be defined as a wireless communication protocol designed for low-power, long-range, and low-data-rate communication. It is primarily used in IoT applications. And thanks to its characteristics, it ensures the network architecture that enables IoT devices to communicate with each other over large distances using minimal power.

LoRaWAN is built on top of a proprietary wireless modulation technique developed by Semtech Corporation dubbed LoRa. 

LoRa and LoRaWAN: Key differences

LoRa and LoRaWAN are often mentioned together in similar contexts. But they are not just the same. They refer to different aspects of wireless communication systems.

LoRa is the physical layer or radio signal transmission protocol that is used to transmit data over long distances. As well as LoRaWan, LoRa is suitable for low-power networks. This makes it a good choice for Internet of Things applications.

While it is responsible for sending data, it doesn’t define networking or communication protocols. 

And here, LoRaWAN should enter the game. Being a networking protocol, it relies on the LoRa physical layer and can be used to manage communication between multiple devices.

While the key difference between these two technologies lies in their roles and purposes, we also should mention the security-related aspect. LoRaWAN has built-in end-to-end encryption and can ensure the security of data during its transmission. LoRa doesn’t provide such security features.

Actually, when it comes to IoT solutions, quite often these two technologies efficiently work together and can enable the correct functioning of a wide range of IoT applications. 

LoRaWAN architecture: Basic things to know

LoRaWAN architecture is not very complicated to explain. It contains several key elements. Each of them has its own role and functions.

End devices (nodes)

These are the IoT devices included in the system. They can be sensors (those that measure/collect some parameters) or actuators (those that perform some actions).

They communicate directly with the gateways. End devices usually transmit data periodically and can receive data under certain conditions.

Devices can be of the following classes:

  • Class A. They can send uplink messages at any time and also receive downlink messages but only after transmissions.
  • Class B. These devices can add scheduled receive windows. As a result, the network server can send them messages more frequently.
  • Class C. Devices are always listening for downlink messages, except when they are transmitting. Nevertheless, due to this capability, these LoRaWan devices consume more power than others.


Gateways act as a bridge between the end devices and the network server. They are responsible for receiving uplink messages from the end devices and forwarding them to the network server. They do not perform any processing or interpretation of the data they receive.

Network server

It is the central element of the LoRaWAN architecture. It manages all aspects of the communication between gateways, end devices, and application servers.

It is responsible for data routing, device management, and security. Moreover, it performs message deduplication. It is necessary because multiple gateways can receive the same message from nodes.

Application server

The application server processes the data from end devices and makes it available to the end users. It can be a cloud-based system, an on-premises server, or a software application.

In some cases, LoRaWan networks can also include join servers. These security-focused elements are responsible for managing device authentication and key distribution.

How does LoRaWan work?

Before we proceed to the analysis of the capabilities of LoRaWan devices, we need to take a closer look at how this networking protocol functions.

The work of LoRaWan is based on a star-of-stars topology. It means that gateways play the role of bridges between the network server and nodes (end devices).

The gateway can speak to end devices (downlink) and they can speak to it (uplink). This communication is asymmetric. This structure allows several devices to communicate with the gateway at the same time. Nevertheless, when a gateway is transmitting some data or signals to nodes, it can’t listen to any other signals. Such downlink communication can cause delays in the system’s work. That’s why it is often said that LoRaWan can be not the most optimal choice for those networks that are based on downlink data transmission.

How does LoRaWan work?

Here’s a very simplified example of LoRaWan in action. Let’s consider a supply chain IoT application, where sensors are deployed to measure the temperature in the refrigerator.

  1. The sensor, which is an end device in our case, collects temperature data and needs to transmit it to the server. It can be done with the help of the LoRa modulation.
  2. Multiple gateways in the area will receive the data and resend it to the network server over an internet connection.
  3. The network server will deduplicate the received message, decrypt it, and send it further to the application server.
  4. The application server will process the data. The next step will depend on the settings/functionality of this IoT system. It can either send some data or notifications to operators or trigger some actions related to the work of the refrigeration equipment.

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Key benefits of LoRaWan networks

The growing popularity of LoRaWan-based IoT solutions can be mainly explained by the advantages that this technology can ensure.

Key benefits of LoRaWan networks
  • Long-range communication. LoRaWAN devices can communicate over long distances (up to 2-5 km in urban areas and even up 15 km in rural areas). This makes it ideal for wide-area IoT applications like smart agriculture, smart cities, and industrial monitoring, where devices are often spread across large geographic areas.
  • Low-power consumption. With LoRaWAN, devices can operate with minimal power. As a result, under certain conditions, they can successfully run for years on a single battery. This is highly important for IoT devices that are deployed in remote areas or in locations where it’s difficult to replace batteries.
  • Scalability. LoRaWAN networks can support thousands and even millions of devices in a single network.
  • Cost-effectiveness. LoRaWAN is designed to operate on license-free ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) radio bands. There are no costly spectrum fees. Moreover, the infrastructure is relatively inexpensive compared to cellular networks.
  • Data security. LoRaWAN provides two layers of encryption: for the network and one for the application. End-to-end encryption ensures that both the network provider and the application owner have access only to relevant data.
  • Adaptive data rate (ADR). LoRaWAN supports ADR. It can dynamically adjust the data rate and transmission power of LoRaWan devices based on their distance from the gateway and current network conditions. This helps to optimize network performance, reduce power consumption on the devices, and increase overall network capacity.
  • Interoperability. LoRaWAN is based on open standards. As a result, devices from different manufacturers can operate on the same network if they adhere to the LoRaWAN protocol.

LoRaWan-based IoT solutions: The most common applications

Given the outstanding characteristics, LoRaWan solutions can be successfully applied in various domains. Here are the most widely spread examples.

LoRaWan-based IoT solutions: The most common applications
  • Smart cities. LoRaWan devices can be used for remote monitoring of street lights, parking, waste management, and air quality. Such sensors can be placed over large areas and there is no need for frequent maintenance.
  • Agriculture. Farmers can leverage the benefits of long-range device communication. LoRaWan technology makes it possible to install sensors for monitoring soil moisture, weather conditions, and livestock tracking even on large farms.
  • Smart metering. LoRaWan networks with water, gas, and electricity meters can reduce the need for manual meter reading and enable real-time monitoring.
  • Asset tracking. Industrial and logistics enterprises can use LoRaWAN to track the location and status of assets in real time without GPS.
  • Industrial automation. LoRaWAN networks within factories can be helpful for monitoring equipment and managing automation systems in harsh conditions.

Development of LoRaWan solutions: Step by step

For those planning to launch their LoRaWAN solutions, it is crucial to carefully plan the process to be well-prepared for each step. We’d like to share some practical recommendations based on our experience in IoT development.

  1. Ideation: First, clearly define the problem you want to solve or the use case you aim to address. This use case will dictate the types of devices, sensors, and network configuration required.
  2. Selection of appropriate devices: Choose IoT devices that can collect the necessary data and are compatible with LoRaWAN. These devices should be low-power and capable of long-range communication. This step, along with the subsequent ones, can be partially or fully delegated to your IoT development partner, such as Cogniteq.
  3. Network architecture design: Define the network infrastructure, including the number and placement of gateways, as well as the geographical coverage of your network.
  4. Network server setup and device activation: The specific steps and timelines will depend on the types of network elements and IoT system you are working with.
  5. Development of an application server: Build the backend that will receive data from the network server and store it in a database for processing. Your application server can be integrated with external systems such as cloud platforms, mobile apps, or web dashboards.
  6. Development of the user interface: Create an interface that visualizes the data and allows users to manage devices and monitor the network.
  7. Network testing and optimization: Once the infrastructure and application are ready, test the network and devices in real-world conditions to ensure proper functionality.
  8. System deployment and ongoing maintenance: Post-launch maintenance ensures that the network remains functional and scalable. It is likely that you will need to add more devices and gateways in the future.

How we can help you to build LoRaWan-based IoT solutions

When it comes to the creation and implementation of any tech solution, it is highly important to have a reliable development team by your side. You should establish cooperation with seasoned professionals who will have the relevant expertise in your industry.

And if you are currently looking for such a partner, at Cogniteq, we will be happy to hear from you. We have been successfully working with IoT technologies for more than 15 years and over this time we’ve managed to accumulate experience in a wide range of domains. 

We are continuously learning and we do our best to stay tuned with all the latest industry trends and innovations. Today our portfolio includes dozens of successfully delivered and deployed IoT systems, including those that are powered by LoRaWan technology.

We can build IoT solutions from scratch, as well as modernize and enhance the existing ones. Moreover, our experts can provide IoT consulting services and help you choose the right strategy in line with your goals.

Want to learn more? Just send us your inquiry and we will contact you back as soon as possible.


How is LoRaWAN used in IoT?

LoRaWAN is commonly used in IoT applications to ensure low-power, long-range communication between smart devices and central servers. Its use is highly beneficial for connecting devices that operate in hard-to-reach areas. Moreover, it can help to enable interaction between devices that require low data rates but need to function over large distances.

What are the benefits of LoRaWAN technology?

LoRaWAN can ensure wide coverage. It is able to transmit data over distances of up to 15 kilometers in rural areas. As it was designed for devices that need to operate for long periods on battery power, it is known for its low power consumption. Another important benefit is low infrastructure costs. This makes LoRaWAN suitable for both small-scale and large-scale IoT networks.

What are the weaknesses of LoRaWAN?

LoRaWAN is a low-power, low-bandwidth protocol, which often leads to high latency in data transmission. For time-sensitive applications like real-time monitoring or control, this latency can be a significant drawback. LoRaWAN networks are primarily designed for sending data from devices to the network (uplink), their downlink capacity is limited. Moreover, LoRaWAN can support mobile devices, but it is not optimized for fast-moving devices like vehicles.

What are the applications of LoRaWAN?

LoRaWAN is usually applied in IoT networks where long-range connectivity and low power consumption are critical. LoRaWan devices are used in smart city systems (like smart street lighting, parking sensors, and waste management), agriculture, environmental monitoring, industrial IoT, and supply chain monitoring. For example, such devices can successfully track temperature and humidity in cold storage and during the transportation of goods.