App for German football fans League of German
Football Clubs
Client:A league of German football clubs
Request:Develop iOS and Android mobile apps for internal use.
Result:Full coordination of actions of PR specialists working for football clubs.
iOS Technologies:
- Objective-C
- AFNetworking
- UICKeyChainStore
- SDWebImage
- SVPullToRefresh
- REFrostedViewController
- Google Analytics
- PureLayout
- SAMKeychain
Android Technologies:
- Java
- rxjava
- rxbinding
- okhttp
- butterknife
- dagger
- eventbus
- timber
- calligraphy
- test.espresso
Our client was a league of German football clubs.
The league wanted the possibility to coordinate the actions of the clubs’ PR managers. Hence the Product Owner required application for internal use.
The main goal of the application is to coordinate the actions of specialists and monitor the club interaction. This helps track and harmonize the message of the clubs to its fans.
Since Cogniteq has strong expertise in developing mobile apps for the sports industry, the managers of the league selected our team us to create this new corporate product.
Cogniteq team developed native mobile apps for the iOS and Android platforms.

Each app contains:
- List of all the clubs who are the members of the league
- Contacts of PR managers of all the clubs
- Lists of partners of the league
- Schedule of games and the names of the clubs that will participate in the matches.
The app should be constantly updated and that’s why our work on the project is still ongoing. At this current stage we are introducing the necessary changes to optimize the app functionality.
The app fully met the expectations of our client. According to the league managers the coordination of the actions of football clubs’ PR specialists has been significantly improved.
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