Package Tracking App for iOS L'Oréal
Request:To build an iOS app for package tracking.
Result:Optimization of internal business processes.
- Swift
- CoreData
- Alamofire
- QRScanning
L'Oréal needed a reliable and highly experienced software development team that would handle the creation of a mobile app for the iOS platform.
The company wanted to develop a package tracking app since the number of parcels sent by the company has greatly increased. L'Oréal realized that the feature-rich package tracking app would significantly optimize their work.
The app was intended for internal use by the L'Oréal staff only.

Our experts have developed an easy-to-use mobile app for company employees to comprehensively manage the work with parcels. It includes the barcodes and QR codes scanning functionality. The code contains full information about the parcel status (type, place and date of departure, destination).
After L'Oréal employees scan the code, the data about the package goes into the company's database. For synchronization with the database, the Cogniteq team has developed a backend part.
The app automatically tracks parcels using tracking numbers and displays detailed current parcel status, delivery time estimate, location.
By syncing the app with the calendar, we made it easier for L'Oréal employees to calculate and orientate in the delivery days.
The app allows tracking dozens of parcels simultaneously.
Optimization of package processing.
Improved internal business processes of the corporation.
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