iOS app for ‎autism speech therapy Smooth Talker AAC

  • Client:
    Pretorian Technologies, UK
  • Request:
    iOS app for enhancing autistic children's language skills.
  • Result:
    The app has gained a solid reputation among software for people with intellectual or development disabilities.
  • iOS Technologies:
    • Xcode
    • Swift
    • CocoaPods
    • MVC
    • Core Data
    • Accessibility
    • AVFoundation


We were approached by Pretorian Technologies, a company engaged in developing and manufacturing assistive products that maintain and improve the quality of life of children diagnosed with autism.

Pretorian Technologies is constantly improving its assistive products and technologies and actually listening to the voice of the market and consumer needs. Being innovative and customer-centric, the company had a great idea of developing a new app named Smooth Talker AAC.

Smooth Talker AAC allows speech and language therapists, teachers, and parents to boost language and communication skills in autistic children. The idea behind this app is to create a platform where users can record and replay a series of voice messages.

Our client wanted us to make the design and interface as simple and easy-to-use as possible, but the app itself had to be a powerful Smooth Talker hardware-based tool.

Our task was to develop an iOS app that can be used on an iPad. The app had to include one or two buttons that change the color of the text message background. Besides, we needed to develop the ability to add text to any button or picture.


The Cogniteq mobile development team built the app that allows one or two users to record and playback a series of voice messages in a variety of ways.

  • Playback Modes
    The app contains seven innovative playback modes, including the well-liked Talk mode. This is a real bonus for developing conversational skills in children with an autism spectrum disorder.
  • Sequential Playback.
    This mode allows playing saved messages in the order from oldest (the first recorded message) to newest. It returns to the first message after all messages have been played.
  • Random Playback.
    The given option randomly selects a message from the plethora of recorded ones. For example, users can write numbers from 1 to 5, and the app turns into talking cubes. Users can record animal sounds for educational animals & sounds matching game.
  • Random (No Repeats).
    This mode is perfect for classroom activities. Though similar to Random Playback, it does not repeat or skip voice messages. For example, users can write down the names of a group of children to choose whose next move in the game is. Every kid gets one move at a time, so no one is left behind the game.
  • Choice Mode.
    This is a two-button mode. For example, buttons #1 and #2 could be assigned to the reply YES and NO, respectively, allowing the user to make a choice. All additional messages recorded are ignored.
  • Conversation Playback.
    Quite possibly the most powerful and unique section in the app. The two-button mode supports the dialogue between two users in a strict order, regardless of whichever button is pressed. Users find this mode extremely helpful in teaching step by step actions and developing language skills.
  • Auditory Prompt.
    This is a two-button mode as well. Button #2 can be used to listen to the voice messages at low volume while finding the correct answer. Button #1 is then pressed to replay the entire message. It allows the teacher, parents, language pathologist, or occupational therapist to set up the message.
  • Kinesthetic.
    One of the huge benefits of the app is its integration with the Kinetic for iPad, a special device developed by our client. This mode plays back messages depending on the orientation of Kinetic. For example, users can record six messages to match them with the pictures placed on each face of the game cube with the inserted Kinetic.
  • Features
    ・ Seven innovative modes,
    ・ Selecting the button color,
    ・ Ability to replace the button with a picture,
    ・ Buttons with text overlay,
    ・ Recording audio messages,
    ・ Unlimited message length.


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    The app's functionality is perfect for autistic children and greatly helps in improving their language and communication skills.
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    The app has demonstrated its prospects and potential among software for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
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    The application has assisted our client in bringing Smooth Talker hardware to the digital market.

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